sábado, 14 de marzo de 2015


This is worksheet n°1. The first drawing is a dolphing, the second one is an M, the third one is the Mikey Mouse head and the last one is the  Twitter logo.

This is worksheet n°2. There are some parallel and perpendicular lines.

This is worksheet n°3, the division of a segment. The first and the second parts are bisectors, the third part is the thales theorem.

This is worksheet n°4, the wind rose. It has eight points. One point marks the north, other the east, the south and the west.

These two photos are from worksheet n°5. There are a lot of drawings related to triangules and quadrilaterals.

These two photos are from worksheet n°6. There are some lines linked between them in the first photo and in the second is how to do it.

This is worksheet n°7, geometric structures. The first picture is a pentagon, the second one is an heptagon, the third one an oval and the forth one an egg or ovoid.

This is worksheet n°8. This a snail in which I have drawn a spiral of two centers.

This is worksheet n°9, modular networks. I had use six different colours for this, blue, green, red, brown, yellow and orange.

This two photos are from worksheet n°10. Here it is a sense of depth, first drawing are doors, the second is a landscape of a river and the third one is another landscape from a road with some trees. Here in the second photo we can see the viewpoint of a "bird's-eye",  in which I draw a table with some notebooks and pencilcases, and an "ant's-eye" view, in which I draw a tree.

This is worksheet n°11, one point perspective. I had drawn a road, with a pedestrian crossroad, a sidewalk, some trees, some streetlights, a house and a building.

This is worksheet n°12, one point perspective-room. I draw a room in which it appears a floor of tiles, a table, a chair, a bed, two windows, 4 posters, a lamp, a wardrobe, a closet and a door.


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